Let’s hear it for the l’il guys, including local craftspeople, artisans and crafters. American Express is helping us all to promote and support all those small business people across America who provide some of the life blood of our communities. Feel free to share this with your local stained glass studio and all craftspeople. Help […]
Marketing Your Stained Glass – Part 2
Once you have a written marketing plan, with goals for your year, for each quarter and then smaller monthly and even weekly goals, it’s time to create bite-size action steps. Just do a bit at a time. Come on, you can do it! Pick your goals for advertising, social media, promotion, various events, partnerships, video, […]
Marketing Your Stained Glass – First Steps
We live in an instant messaging, constant texting, ads everywhere we turn, kind of world, don’t we? So what’s a stained glass artist to do, to get the word out about their glass art? First, START SMALL. Take baby steps. Baby steps are good. 🙂 Decide to spend 10 minutes, or 30 or 60 min./day […]