We are celebrating our first year of blog posts. We’ve talked about stained glass patterns, pricing your stained glass projects, shared our free monthly patterns, and shown photos of some of our etched and stained glass projects. Along the way, we’ve gotten to share some of the great work all of you are doing, too. […]
Our Newest Project: Chesapeake Bay Scene – Stained Glass Windows – Johns Hopkins Hospital
We are working on 2 large stained glass windows for Johns Hopkins Hospital. It’s a scene of the Chesapeake Bay, complete with a huge sailboat and a beautiful blue heron, and, of course, a lighthouse. Each panel has about 300 pieces of stained glass and we are varying the widths of copper foil, and the […]
Sad News in Our Stained Glass Community
Sad news in our glass community….Ed Hoy, founder of Ed Hoy’s International has passed away. What a wonderfully kind and giving man he was, and how he loved and honored the art of all things glass. Our condolences go to his family and to all of those at Ed Hoy’s. He leaves a big space […]
Etched Glass, Fused Glass & Stained Glass – All in a Day’s Work
So we are drying some photresist washouts for some etched projects, including some sayings that may get incorporated into a fused or stained glass small project. And we are almost done foiling the “Grand Canyon in 4 Seasons” panels, and then soldering will commence. Yikes! Lots of pieces and narrow lines means working VERY quickly. […]
For Stained Glass People & Fellow Craft Lovers: ACC Baltimore 2/22-2/24/2013 – American Craft Council
For Stained Glass People & Fellow Craft Lovers: ACC Baltimore 2/22-2/24/2013 – American Craft Council: http://public.craftcouncil.org/baltimore Check out some of the glorious, the stunning, the far-out and the really cool handmade items shown in glass, wood, metal, fabric, and so much more at the ACC Baltimore show coming up in a few days. Just bask […]
Glass Cutters: Start Your Glass Grinders – Part II
Getting back into doing stained glass, mosaics, fused glass or lampworking? A few quick checks, a little inspecting, some light clean-up and oiling your tools will get you off to a great start. Here are a few more suggestions before you start breaking glass: * Examine your cutter wheel for nicks and check its score […]
Gearing Up to Get Back to Stained Glass? Remember to:
Well it’s the season to Get Back to Stained Glass. And for fused glass, mosaics and etching, beads and lampworking groupies, too. Before all of you glass cutters start your glass grinders, you may want to run through this checklist: * Check your copper foil inventory for shelf life dates – how old is it? […]
Wonderfully Detailed Stained Glass Airplane Panel
Check out this stained glass airplane panel! It was created by Dale Hammond from a Paned Expressions Studios custom stained glass pattern. I love the details in the wings, and the perfectly place lettering along the top and the tail. Wonderful! Great job! Thanks for sharing, Dale!
Stained Glass on Facebook
Have you looked for fellow glass breakers on Facebook? Paned Expressions is there: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Paned-Expressions-Stained-Glass-Studios-Glass-Patterns/155351787947 Do you search on the term “stained glass” or “glass art” or “art glass”? How about “artglass”? It can be a challenge to find other glass artists and people who love stained glass, in this age of searching for the right […]
Breaking Cold & Hot: Stained Glass & Fused Glass
So cold glass is stained glass, flat glass, leaded glass and mosaics. One kind of hot glass is fused glass. Why is fused glass hot? Because we “bake” or fire it in a kiln. Which technique is your favorite? More than one? Do you use both techniques? What kinds of small and large projects use well both […]